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Monday, November 25, 2013

Participants should be able to share and compare responses

Talk About Artists and Art intends to provide participants with the means to evaluate visual art from five critical points of view -- moral, archetypal, socialistic, psychological and formalistic -- in everyday language with a goal of talking with someone about the art. 

The resulting conversation will be fun for participants, good for the artist's career, and will build the affinity of the participants for the hosting gallery. 

In this week of my project plan for ENG 6328 Hypermedia Theory and Practice my goal is to implement a feature that allows participants to share their responses to the embedded Survey Monkey questionnaires with other who hold the identical password. 

To this end, I upgraded my Survey Monkey account to explore the password and share-results features available with the upgrade. Unfortunately, the newly available features are limited and do not function as I would prefer.

I talked with Dr. Roundtree. She felt I had done as much as I could without incurring great expense. 

So the rest of this post is about how I would like password and a share-results features to function.

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When participants enroll in a Talk About Artists and Art program, all members of a single group are assigned the same password.

As shown below in the survey excerpt below, when participants finish the survey, they click the 'Done' button.

A click on the 'Done' button presents participants with the opportunity to 1) compare their responses with the responses of other participants and to 2) share their current status with others outside the Talk About Artists framework.

If participants select a share option via this GUI, any urls/text inserted by the system reflect the participants' current status within the Talk About Artists framework. 

For example, suggested text inserted into an email, Twitter or Facebook update would indicate the participant was about to compare results.

To compare one's responses with those of another person with the same password, participants click on left button. The system returns the following comparison.

Status shared via email, twitter or facebook via this GUI would be reflected in suggested text, as in "I just compared my art criticism chops with _____!"

As a conversational jump-start, comparison of responses at this juncture includes one clear statement of difference or agreement.

If several participants share a password, all results can be compared and all results can be shared via email, Twitter and Facebook.


Participants who click the right 'Everybody else' button compare their results with those of everybody who has taken the survey, as indicated by the brown data bars.

Participants are able to respond to online surveys about the art being exhibited up to two weeks before they gather for opening reception. 

These features provide many opportunities to create conversation with other participants.


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